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An argument for creating a home you love with the things you love...from a designer's perspectiv

A comfy home. Colors I love. A chair I've held onto for forever...

Featured: A chair I bought for $40 at an estate sale. I don't even know if that's a good deal. I love the color, I love the era, I love the chair.


A general fear everyone has (even me!) is letting a designer come in and design your home. Why are we afraid of hiring an interior designer? The answer is simple. We are afraid someone will come in and remove all of our loved & beautifully worn furniture and replace it for something more modern or something "not me"; we don't want to lose the items that have personal value and add sentiment to our everyday lives. ((Plus, wouldn't it be embarrassing to show a designer my home- when it is not ...well... you know, a showroom?))

Our home is a sacred space. It is one of the most intimate places we can invite people. I like to think of it as the external version of your heart. This is the place that holds your favorite pieces, your souvenirs, your memories, your loved ones for crying out loud, ANND that junk you actually want no one else to see. Your home is a special place.

Reminders of pine truly make me feel at home. They remind me of fresh outdoors.

Featured: A candle that smells like Pine. Pine cones and even some pine shelving that has been stained. Can I even get enough? What is it about the outdoors that make me feel like home?


Even I struggle with sharing my most sacred space with other people. I had recently thought of posting some pictures of things I love around my house, just to share with whoever might want to see a preview into my life. Then, a powerful thought struck me..."Well it's not designer!" Is this a thought we all face?

The truth is that we should love our homes, just like we love ourselves; taking the good, the bad, the ugly and even treasuring it for it's place in our lives. Every piece in our home does NOT have to be "designer." ((What does that even mean?!) Our furniture and decor- these are part of the design of our lives. It is "designer" because it is part of who we are. And even a 20-something with her new design degree can recognize the importance of history, memory making, or even a budget.


Featured: Kate Spade China. Yes, I'm lucky enough to own some. The set isn't complete, I think I have 6 out the full 8 you're "supposed" to have.


In lieu of all this- let's get real and let's get honest. Let's not be afraid to invite others into our perfectly unique homes.

I'll start. Throughout this blog, I've featured pieces I love from around my home. Don't leave me alone out here in cyberspace- please post back with photos you love from around your home and let's celebrate the power of "home" together!


Rustic Shelves that hold so many things that I love.

Featured: DIY rustic shelves that I love with my whole heart. They hold reminders of weddings and bunnies and love that lasts...




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